The contents of this mail below has been completely taken from the ebook Swamy Desikan’s GeethaarTa Sangraham which has been Annotated as a Commentary in English By Oppiliappan kOil SrI Varadachari Sathakopan ( This ebook is available at http://www.sundarasimham. org/ebooks/GitaSHM.pdf. I have also attached the book for ease of download.
Translation of Alavandar's Gitarthasangraham, by Diwan Bahadur VK Ramanujachari, published by Andavan Ashram has also been provided.
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Desikan - Thiruvallikeni |
uhavai adaintha uRavudayAr poraluRRa annAL
tahavudan anbu karai puraLa dharumatthu aLavil
miha uLam anji vizhunthu adi sErntha VisayanukkOr
nahayudan uNmai uraikka amainthanan NaaraNanE
உஹவை அடைந்த உறவுடையார் போரளுர்ற அந்நாள்
தஹவுடன் அன்பு கரை புரள தருமத்து அளவில்
மித உளம் அஞ்சி விழுந்து அடி சேர்ந்த விசயனுககோர்
நஹையுடன் உண்மை உரைக்க அமைந்தனன் நாரணனே
Arjuna saw the dear relatives like BheeshmA, AchAryAs like DhrOnA assembled opposite him to engage in battle with him. ArjunA's love and dayA for them overflowed although they had no fitness for that display of affection. As a result, Arjuna concluded that the righteous war with them befitting his status as a Kshathriyan was adharmam (unrighteous). He was overcome with weakness. He threw down his bow and arrows and sat down with dejection at the foot of his chariot. Next, Arjuna appealed to Lord, his charioteer to show him the right way. With smile on His face, Lord PaarthasArathy commenced His upadEsam for ArjunA on the Svaroopams of JeevAthma, ParamAthmA, the means to reach ParamAthmA and related esoteric meanings of VedAnthA. Lord's upadEsam was like nectar for Arjuna and easy to understand.
1st four slokams provide the essence of the entire Bhagavdgita.
Swamy AlavanthAr's 5th slOkam of Sri GeethaarTa Sangraham - Essence of first chapter of Gita
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Alavandar - Kattamannarkoil |
Asthana sneha karunya dharma adharma dhiya kulam I
Partha prapannam udhishya shastra avataranam kritam II
अस्थान स्नेह कारुण्य धर्म अधर्म धिया आकुलं ।
पार्थ प्रपन्नं उधिश्य शास्त्र अवतरणं कृतं ।।
MEANING from Oppiliappan kOil SrI Varadachari Sathakopan
Human being has to have the guNams of Dyaaa, love for others. But, they should not be
present at inappropriate times. For Arjuna, the affection and mercy for his enemies
assembled at the battlefield after the conches were blown to commence the war. He got
confused and agitated. He thought the just war was unrighteous for him as a Kshathriyan.
Arjuna performed SaraNAgathy to Lord KrishNa to remove his doubts. Thus Arjuna became the Lord's sishya. The most merciful PaarthasArathy used as excuse the upadEsam to Arjuna for banishing the sorrows of the world and created Bhagavath Geetha from His own sacred lips.
Meaning from Alavandar's Gitarthasangraham, translated by Diwan Bahadur VK Ramanujachari, published by Andavan Ashram
The teaching of the shAstra was begun for Arjuna, the son of PruthA, was overwhelmed by compassion for those who did not merit it. He got confused about what is Dharma and what is aDharma and was taken over by sorrow.
Arjuna arrived at the battlefield with the Lord as his charioteer. He directed the Lord to
position the chariot in the middle of the armies assembled to battle each other so that he can see all those assembled to fight him and his side. Lord obliged and positioned the chariot in such a place so that Arjuna can have a good look. As Arjuna looked on and saw his relatives, acharyas and other kinsmen eager to engage in the battle with him, his limbs got weakened, his mouth became dry and he began to tremble. His mind began to reel over the thought of killing his kinsmen, acharyas and others dear to him in the ensuing battle. He told the Lord, His Charioteer that such a battle is not worth fighting. He threw down his bow and arrows and sat down on the chariot as though he was ready to fast to death.
Arjuna was overwhelmed by compassion for those that did not merit it (asTAna KaaruNayam). He got confused about what is dharmam and what is adharmam and was taken over by sorrow (dharmAdharama dhiyA aakulam). His mind swirled in the high wind of grief over the prospect of killing his acharyas, former friends and kinsmen. Arjuna declared now that he will not fight them (Na yOthsyAmi) as a result of the unbearable sorrow over the expected loss of those dear to him
For those interested, here is AchArya RaamAnujA's commentary:
HanishyamANAn bhavadheeyAn vilOkya bhandhu snEhEna
paramayA cha krupayA dharmAdharma bhayEna cha athimAthrasvinna
sarvagAtra sarvaTA aham na yOthsyAmi ithi ukthvA--
sasaram chApam visrujya raTOpasTE upAvisath”
हनिष्यमानान भवधीयान विलोक्य भन्धु स्नेहेन
परमया च कृपया धर्म अधर्म भयेन च अथिं आथ्रस्विन्न
सर्वगात्र सर्वथा अहं न योथ्स्यमि इथि उक्थवा
ससरं चापं विसृज रथोपस्ते उपाविसतः
Ramanujar's sribhashyam as ebook are available @
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