Friday, September 2, 2011

Ramanuja's Gita Bhashyam - Chapter 3 - Karma Yoga - sloka 13

The entire content of this mail is from Swami Chidbhavananda's translation of The Bhagavad Gita, published by Ramakrishna Mission.

The greatness of Yajna -9-13
1 Gita Sloka every day - Chapter 3 - Karma Yoga - Sloka 13

Yagya shishta ashinah santo muchyante sarva kilbishaih I
Bhunjte te tvagham papa ye pachantyatma krsna II sloka 13

यज्ञ शिष्ट  अशिनः सन्तो मुच्यन्ते सर्व किल्बिषैः ।
भुञ्जते ते त्वघं पाप ये पचन्त्यात्मा कारणात् ।। श्लोक १३ 

Persons who eat the remanants of the sacrifice are freed from all sins; but the sinful ones who cook food only for themselves, they earn only sin. 

Those persons who acquire food materials solely for propitiating the Supreme Person abiding as the self of Indra and other deities; who after cooking them, propitiate through them the Supreme Person as He is,  and then sustain themselves on the remanants  of such oblation, they alone will be free of impurities. These impurities have resulted from beginningless evil  and are inimical to the vision of the self. But the evil minded  acquire for selfish use the things which the Supreme Being  granted to them for worshipping Him with, and use it all on the other hand for feeding themselves - they eat only sin. Turning away from the vision of the self, they cook only for being led to Naraka (for expiation of the sin incurred by this act).

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