Thursday, August 15, 2013

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11 - Viswarupa Darasana Yoga - Sloka 21

The entire content of this mail is from Swami Adidevavananda's translation of The Ramanuja Gita Bhashya, published by Ramakrishna Mission

The Cosmic Vision Defined 15-31
1 Gita Sloka  every day - Chapter 11 - Viswarupa Darsana Yoga - Sloka 21

Ami hi tvam sura sangha vishanti kechid bhitah pranjalayah grunanti I
Svasti iti yuktva maharishi siddha sanghah stuvanti tvam stutibhih pushkalabhih II sloka 21
अमि हि त्वम् सुर संघा विशन्ति केचिद् भीताः प्राञ्जलयः गृणन्ति I 
स्वस्ति इति युक्त्वा महर्षि सिद्ध संघाः स्तुवन्ति त्वां स्तुतिभिः पुष्कलाभिः II श्लोक 21 

Verily into you the hosts of devas enter. Some in fear extol you with clasped hands. crying "hail" the bands of great seers and siddhas praise you with meaningful hymns.

These hosts of superior devas beholding you as the foundation of the universe, rejoice  and move towards you. Among them, some in fear, on seeing your extremely terrible and wonderful form, extol namely pronounce sentences in the form of praise, according to their knowledge. Others, the bands of seers and siddhas, knowers of the truth, higher and lower, saying "hail", glorify you in hymns of abounding praise which are suitable to the Lord.

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