Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1 -Arjuna Vishada Yoga - Sloka 2

The entire content of this mail is from Swami Chidbahavananda's translation of The Bhagavad Gita, published by Ramakrishna Mission.

Chapter 1 - Sloka 2

Sanjaya uvacha

drshtva tu pandavanikam vyudam duryodhanas thada I
acharyam upasangamya raja vachanam abravith II

Sanjaya said

Now seeing the Pandava army arrayed properly, the Prince Duryodhana drew near his preceptor Drona and spoke these words

It is but natural that a frightened child hastens to his parent for protection and encouragement. Even so, Duryodhana drew himself at a psychological moment to his preceptor who was held by him like a parent.

There was a purpose in Sanjaya pointedly using the word "seeing". Duryodhana was fancying all along that it might not be possible for his rivals to mobilise an army strong enough to face his own huge force allied with those of several other kings. But what happened was contrary to his calculation. He was a bit perturbed  and unnerved over the position.The name "Duryodhana" has the implied meaning "he who is hard to combat with". But his guilty conscience had started a moral conflict within him. Mental defeat in him was a prelude to the actual defeat that came in the war. 

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