The entire content of this mail is from Swami Chidbhavananda's translation of The Bhagavad Gita, published by Ramakrishna Mission.
1 Gita Sloka every day - Chapter 2 - Samkhya Yoga - Sloka 71
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Close up of Banke Bihari, Brindavan |
Vihaya kaman yah sarvan puman charati nih spruhah I
Nirmamah nirahankaraah sah shantim adigachati II sloka 71
विहाय कामान यः सर्वान पुमान चरति निः स्पृहः ।
निर्ममः निरहङ्कारः सः शान्तिं अधिगछति ।।
That man attains peace who lives devoid of longing, freed from all desires and without the feeling of "I" and "mine"
As long as man is given to wroldly desires he will not have peace of mind. Calmness comes to the extent craving is quelled. The feeling of "I" and "mine" leads man to the bondage to karma. Agency and ownership are modifications of the mind that ensues from this feeling.Waves and billows rise up on the surface of the sea and put on appearances of separet volumes of water. It seems as if the sea is split up into many bits.But in fact it is one undivided mass of water.The go in this way, makes man feel he is a separate entity.And desire is the root cause of this apparent individuality. With the cessation of desire the ego assuming "I" and "mine" disappears. What remains is the unmodified super consciousness bathed in bliss. All ethical and spiritual life is directed to the elimination of the ego.
When the goat is slaughtered its body shakes for a while as if imbued with life. Similarly the ego of the jnani undergoes slaughter when he attains illumination. But a trace of the ego lingers just to carry on the bodily sustenance. But it has no power to bind him again to worldliness
Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
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