Friday, April 5, 2013

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10 - Vibhuti Yoga - Sloka 3

The entire content of this mail is from Swami Chidbhavananda's translation of Bhagavad Gita , published by Ramakrishna Mission

How then does the Brahman serve us, the ordinary aspirants?

Iswara the source of everything -1-6
1 Gita Sloka  every day - Chapter 10 - Vibhuti Yoga - Sloka 3
Krishna directing creation
Yo mam ajam anadim cha vetti loka saha eswaram I
asamoodhah sah martyeshu sarva papaih pramuchyate II sloka 3
यो मां अजम् अनादिं  च वेत्ति लोक सहा इश्वरम् I 
असम्मूढः सः मर्त्येषु सर्व पापैः प्रमुच्यते II श्लोक 3

He who knows me as unborn and beginningless, as the great lord of the worlds, he among mortals is undeluded and freed from all sins.

In His absolute state, Brahman is unknown and unknowable. Triputi or triad of the seer, the seen and the process of seeing is not in him. But in his transcendent state, a glimpse of his reality is intuited by the perfect ones like the rishis. They realise the existence of the Imperishable as the basis of the perishing prakriti. This contact is likelooking at the infinte sky through a peep hole. But this realization is very important for the sadhaka. He intuits that the Lord is unborn and beginningless and that he is the supreme sovereign of the worlds. After knowing this truth he is no more deluded about the functioning of the phenomenon. Sin consists of construing man's life as independent of Iswara's ordainment. But the sadhaka who links his life entirely with the plan and purpose of the Lord, gets himself freed from all sins.

To see into the way of the transcendent reality is given to the enlightened only. But the brahman filters himself down furtherinto Immanence. In this aspect of his, he is available to the ordinary sadhaka too. This is decribed further

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