Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 - JnanaKarmaSanyasa Yoga - Sloka 12

The entire content of this mail is from Swami Chidbhavananda's translation of The Bhagavad Gita, published by Ramakrishna Mission.

Fruit of worship of Minor Deities - Sloka 12
1 Gita Sloka every day - Chapter 4 -JnanaKarmaSanyasa Yoga - Sloka 12

Kankshantah karmanam siddhim yajante iha devatah I
Kshipram hi manushe loke sidhtih bhavati karmagya II sloka 12
काङ्क्षन्तः कर्मणां सिद्धिं यजन्ते इह देवताः ।
क्षिप्रं हि मानुषे लोके सिध्तिः भवति कर्मजा ।। श्लोक १२ 

Longing for success in action on earth, they worship gods; for quickly is success born of action in this world of man.

The higher the ideal the more arduously one has to prepare for it and the longer one has to wait for it. Self knowledge is harder to attain than the fruits of action. What is perceived by the senses is portrayed as the world of man, where quick results can be obtained; but they are impermanent  in character. The ignorant seek for sense-objects easily obtainable. Access to a monarch is hard to get, but it is very consequential. Acquaintance with a petty page of a monarch is easily got, but it is of no consequence. Devotion, wisdom, salvation & such like divine gifts come to the worshipper of Iswara. Votaries of the minor gods get their desserts accordingly. Ideals vary according to the mental attainments of the people.

How can we know the attainments of the people? The answer comes in the next sloka.

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