Saturday, October 4, 2014

1 Gita Sloka Every Day - Chapter 15 - Purushottama Yoga - Sloka 10

The entire content of this mail is from Swami Adidevananda's translation of Ramanuja's  Gita  Bhashya and Swami Chidbhavananda's Bhagavad Gita, both published by Ramakrishna Mission

What does the jivatman do with his senses?

The Divine Eye 10-11
1 Gita Sloka  Every Day - Chapter 15 - Purushottama Yoga - Sloka 10

Utkramantam sthitam vapi bhunjanam va gunanvitam I
Vimudha na anupashyanti pashyanti jnana chakshushah II sloka 10
उत्क्रमन्तम् स्थितम् वापि भुञ्जानं व गुणान्वितं I 
विमूढा नानु  पश्यन्ति पश्यन्ति ज्ञान चक्षुषः II श्लोक 10 

The deluded do not see him (the self)  who departs, stays and enjoys, who is conjoined with the gunas, but they see, who possess wisdom.

The deluded do not perceive the atman (self) as a form of knowledge separate from its human and other configurations which are particular transformations of prakriti, with which the self is conjoined, experiencing the objects of the senses. The self also departs from that body when the body dies and assumes another body. The deluded or those who misconceive the body as the self do not understand all this. However, those who possess the eye of knowledge ie. have the knowledge concerning the difference between the body and the self, perceive the self as having a form different from the body in all conditions.

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