Monday, August 27, 2012

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 7 - Jnana Vignana Yoga - Sloka 7

The entire content of this mail is from Swami Chidbhavananda's translation of The Bhagavad Gita, published by Ramakrishna Mission

Prakriti - Low and High - 1-7
1 Gita Sloka  every day - Chapter 7 - Jnana Vignana Yoga - Sloka 7
Death Time Thought
Mattah parataram na anyat kimchit asti dhanamjaya I
Mayi sarvam idam protam sutre manigana II sloka 7
मत्तः परतरं न आनयति किंचित् अस्ति धनंजय ।
मयि सर्वं इदं प्रोतं सूत्रे मणिगणा ।। श्लोक ७

This being the truth about Iswara:
There is nothing whatsoever higher than Me, O Dhananjaya. All this is strung on Me, as rows of gems on a string. 

The producer, sustainer and the withdrawer of the universe is Iswara. There is no power, extraneous to him, to interfere with his work, great or small. The gems strung together may vary in colour and species. But the supporting string is the same all through. The universes sustained by the Lord, may in that fashion, vary in their appearances; but the sustainer of all of them is the same. Sutra  is the sanskrit word for string. The lord is therefore called Sutratman -  the string like supporter of the manifested worlds. The Pure Consciousness, which is the substratum of all beings  sentient and insentient, is the same.

Is it ever possible for us to behold Him as having become all these manifestations? The clue is given in the next sloka.

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