Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6 - Dhyana Yoga - Sloka 17

The entire content of this mail is from Swami Chidbhavananda's translation of The Bhagavad Gita, published by Ramakrishna Mission.

The Criterion for Progress 16- 20
1 Gita Sloka every day - Chapter 6 - Dhyana Yoga - Sloka 17
 Damodara Krishna
Yukta ahaara viharasya yukta cheshtasya karmasu I
Yukta svapna avabodhasya yogah bhavati dukhaha II sloka 17
युक्त आहार विहारस्य युक्त चेष्टस्य कर्मसु ।
युक्त स्वप्न अवबोधस्य योगः भवति दुखहा   ।। श्लोक १७
For him who is moderate in eating and recreation, temperate in his actions, who is regulated in sleep and wakefulness, yoga becomes the destroyer of pain. 

Physical exercise as much as the spiritual sadhanas  is incumbent on the yogi; but it has to be resorted to moderately. The duties of the yogi are very consequential and they have to be discharged meticulously and as regularly as the movements of the planets. The merit in him in the midst of these activities is, he is free from body consciousness. Meditation therefore becomes easy and spontaneous to him. Pain is always associated with diseased body and mind. But the yogi takes no note of the body and he is sound in mind. Therefore yoga becomes the destroyer of pain to him 

When may it be said that the yogi is adept in meditation? The answer to this comes in the next sloka

1 comment:

  1. Githa is not a prescription for yogi but for any normal human beeing. This sloka tells us that we should follow a balance and timely diet along with a proper working habit. It is applicable to all of us as many of us are gluttons, junkfooddies and too busy to have a proper meals types. We are never timely nor do we ensure a balanced diet. Then we start eating this and that medecines which further spoils our digestive system and give rise to other illnesses. So is work too. Overworking as well as underworking are not recommended. In short balance in everything is what Geetha teaches.
