Monday, February 22, 2010

Bhakthi As I Know It

My faith in my God, is very simply put, like the faith of a child who is catching the  pleats of his mother's saree, and is content to watch the world go by from the relative security of standing behind that fold, knowing full well that she is there to take care of him and  no harm can befall him.   While life has come in many colours, I have never felt the need to ask for anything in return from my God. As I know what my children need, and prepare in advance for it, I feel that my Lord would have more than prepared for my needs. Whatever, is in store, is by his will and if it is okay by him, it is okay by me. I know that if he feels that it is important to put me through a difficult moment, then he also stands by my side giving me the courage to face it. I have always found him with me when I need him and he has never ever failed me yet. I dont believe he ever will. I dont know how to pray; yet I believe he does hear my thoughts and knows my innermost feelings. I am content to sing his name and read about him and talk about him with people who share this love. Satsang gives me great joy. I see him in my thoughts of my parents and that of my father-in-law, all of whom I revered and are now no more.  I feel his presence in my children, in my work, in the many simple people I meet during the course of my work. He is there in my work, well done or other wise. Over the years, I have found that nothing that I see or experience seems important in comparison to thinking /reading / talking about Him. Yet I am attached to these shallow experiences as I realise that they are all his. Hence, I find a detached attachment 
to things small and big. 

I donot know if this is the right path or if it will lead me to Him. I know that to me Bhakti is that Bhava which will help me to see Him in everything that I do & in every path of! my life. It doesnt ask for much intelligence or erudition from me but asks me to submit my will to His, and to trust in Him, putting my faith to rest in his feet.

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