The entire content of this mail is from Shri V N Gopala Desikan's Srimad Bhagavad Gita, published by Vishishtadvaita Research Centre, Chennai and The Bhagavad Gita by Swami Chidbhavananda published by Ramakrishna Mission
The Three Fold Austerity 14-19
1 Gita Sloka Every Day - Chapter 17 - Shraddhatraya Vibhaga Yoga - Sloka 17
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Periyazhwar in Aravamudan Sannidhi, Kumbakonam |
Shraddhya paraya taptam tapah tat trividham naraih I
Aphala akinchibhih yuktaih sattvikam pari chakshate II sloka 17
श्रद्धया परया तप्तम् तपः तत् त्रिविधं नरैः I
अफल अकिन्चिभिः युक्तैः सात्त्विकं परि चक्षते II श्लोक 17
This threefold austerity practised by the steadfast men with utmost shraddha, desiring no fruit, they call sat5tvika
This austerity loses its sanctity to the extent fruit or reward is sought for. He is steadfast in the pursuit of the ideal, who remains unaffected by success and failure. Relentlessly he engages himself in his divine endeavours. All the three instruments - body, speech and mind , are benignly utilised for the service of the lord. That aspirant is fixed in sattvika who expects no reward and who does not suspend his practise of austerity for any reason whatsoever.
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