The entire content of this mail is from Shri V N Gopala Desikan's Srimad Bhagavad Gita, published by Vishishtadvaita Research Centre, Chennai and The Bhagavad Gita by Swami Chidbhavananda published by Ramakrishna Mission
What is the root cause of depravity in man ? The enswer comes
The Demoniacal Ways - 7-18
1 Gita Sloka Every Day - Chapter 16 - Daivasura Sampad Vibhaga Yoga - Sloka 21
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Saving Ajamila |
Trividham narakasya idam dwaram nashanam atmanah I
Kamah krodhah tatha lobhah tasmat etat trayam tyajet II sloka 21
त्रिविधं नरकस्य इदं द्वारम् नाशनम् आत्मनः I
कामः क्रोधः तथा लोभः तस्मात् एतत त्रयम् त्यजेत II स्लोका २१
Triple is the gate of hell, destructive of the self - Lust, Anger and Greed; therefore should one abandon these three.
Desire, anger and greed (miserliness) are the three bad qualities, which lead a person to this form of devilish nature. They ruin the soul, ie. make him unfit to realise his soul. Therefore one must completely give up these three bad qualities to avoid getting into devilish nature.
The devilish nature is called here as hell (naraka). But such nature is even worse than hell. Because, in the hell, by undergoing suffering, past sins are wiped out. But by having this devilish nature (of hell), sins further go on accumulating.
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