The entire content of this mail is from Shri V N Gopala Desikan's Srimad Bhagavad Gita, published by Vishishtadvaita Research Centre, Chennai and The Bhagavad Gita by Swami Chidbhavananda published by Ramakrishna Mission
Confidence Graded 1-7
1 Gita Sloka Every Day - Chapter 17 - Shraddhatraya Vibhaga Yoga - Sloka 5
Ashastra vihitam ghoram tapyante ye tapah janah I
Dambha ahamkara samyuktah kama raga balanvitah II Sloka 5
Karshayantah sharira stham bhuta gramam achetasah I
Mama cha eva antah sharira stham taan viddhi asura nischayan II Sloka 6
अशास्त्र विहितम् घोरम् तप्यन्ते ये तपाः जानः I
दम्भ अहंकार संयुक्तः काम राग बलान्वितः II श्लोक 5
कर्षयन्तः शरीर स्थम् भूत ग्रामं अचेतसः I
मम च एव अन्तः शरीर स्थम् तान् विद्धि असुर निश्चयन् II श्लोक 6
Those men who practise violent austerities not enjoined by the scriptures,given to hypocrisy and egosim, impelled by the force of lust and attachment.
Fools that they are, they are, they torture their bodily organs, and Me too, who dwell within the body - knew that they are asurika in their resolve.
The austerities practised by the asurikas people are in no way pleasing to themselves. Bare bodied they lie on spikes. While keeping one hand always lifted up, they try to stand on one leg only hoping to acquire mystic powers thereby. They keep gazing at the sun unmindful of the harm done to their eyes.Their attempts are as much painful to the beholder as to the performers themselves. The lord residing in the heart as conscience is denied by these demoiac people. He who is beyond happiness nad misery seems subjected to misery at the hands of these crude people. Their so called self culture is in no way tune with the path followed by the holy men. It runs counter to the teachings of the scriptures. They seem to be endowed with shraddha but actually their practices are derogatory.
What are the other practices by which the attainments of men may be sorted out/ The answer comes in the next sloka