The entire content of this mail is from Swami Chidbhavananda's translation of The Bhagavad Gita, published by Ramakrishna Mission.
Progress in Yoga - 21-28
1 Gita Sloka every day - Chapter 6 - Dhyana Yoga - Sloka 22
Yam labdhva cha aparam labham manyate na adhikam tatah I
Yasmin sthitah na dukhena guruna api vichalyate II sloka 22
यं लब्ध्वा च अपरं लाभं मन्यते न अधिकं ततः।
यस्मिन स्थितः न दुःखेन गुरुणा अपि विचाल्यते ।। श्लोक २२
And having gained which, he thinks that there is no greater gain than that, wherein established he is not shaken even by the heaviest affliction
The fleeting earthly pleasures are all ever selective. But getting into the infinite beatitude of the self, the yogi has nothing else to seek, even as the fish in the ocean has no other abode to seek. The yogi established in the bliss of brahman has no body consciousness. the body hangs on him just as a shadow hangs on to a body. Any harm done to the shadow does not hurt the body; any harm inflicted on the body does not afflict the yogi established in the self.
Whatever maybe the suffering that falls on the lot of the body, the power and glory of the devotion and knowledge of a true devotee do not in the least get diminished thereby. What all tribulations the Pandavas had to undergo during their exile! But the exuberance of their wisdom was in no way affected even for a moment by their ordeals
Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa